Talks and presentations

Flocking motion of multi-agent systems: A proximity digraph case

July 13, 2023

Conference proceedings talk, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan

Resume: We investigate the coordinated motion of a multi-agent system with heterogeneous distance-dependent communication constraints. In this setup, the underlying interaction network is dynamic since edges appear or disappear as the agents navigate their workspace. Inspired by the gradient-descent method, we provide a distributed controller which preserves the position-dependent communication network connectivity properties. We use a distributed connectivity measure based on the entries of the first-left eigenvector of the network’s associated Laplacian matrix to provide the agents with local knowledge of the overall network topology and reveal its dynamics properties. We illustrate our result with a numerical simulation.

Synchronization in Multi-scroll systems on strongly connected networks

September 28, 2022

Conference proceedings talk, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada, Baja California Norte, México

Abstract: In this work, we study the synchronization problem in complex dynamic networks of Piece Wise Linear (PWL) systems. PWL systems exhibit multi-scrolls and belong to a special class of Unstable Dissipative Systems (UDS). We consider strongly connected directed networks and linear diffusive couplings. The synchronization regions are computed using the concept of disagreement vectoars, generalized algebraic connectivity of the network topology, and Lyapunov functions, which provide lower bounds for the network’s coupling gain. Then, different combinations of linear diffusive coupling are explored by changing the observed and measured variables to illustrate the contribution of our results. The theoretical results are validated by numerical simulations.

Distributed control for consensus on leader-followers proximity graphs (MICNON2018)

June 21, 2018

Conference proceedings talk, University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

Abstract: We propose two distributed controller solutions to leader-followers consensus problem on inertial multiagent systems that guarantee connectivity preservation based on articial potential functions. On the frst one, we consider a virtual leader which has a fixed, or constant velocity, with consensus defned as a position reference to be tracked. On the second, leader’s velocity is time-varying. In both cases, we consider that only a subset of agents have access to leader’s state information. Effectiveness of proposed controllers is illustrated with numerical simulations.

Consenso con líder virtual en sistemas de múltiples agentes inerciales

October 04, 2017

Conference proceedings talk, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México

Resumen: El presente trabajo estudia el problema de consenso y consenso con un líder virtual en sistemas multiagente con modelos inerciales. Primero, presentamos el modelo de agentes inerciales y discutimos algunas propiedades de una matriz de conexiones tipo Laplaciana que considera las inercias de cada uno de los agentes en el grupo. Posteriormente, se introduce un algoritmo de consenso y se dan condiciones necesarias y sufcientes bajo las cuales el estado de consenso es alcanzado cuando la estructura de comunicación contiene un árbol de expansión dirigido. Luego, el problema de consenso con un líder virtual no lineal es estudiado. Se propone un algoritmo de consenso que incluye los efectos de las inercias de los agentes. Condiciones necesarias y sufcientes sobre la estructura de comunicación entre agentes y el líder virtual tales que el grupo asintóticamente siguen al líder son dadas. Simulaciones numéricas son presentadas para ilustrar los resultados del análisis teórico.